Biomedical observations on the Warao
essay 1980 Layrisse, Miguel & Layrisse, Zulay

WaraoSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco
Biomedical observations of the Warao population is the primary focus of this study, with particular emphasis on hematological analyses of blood samples taken from individuals living in the Orinoco Delta of Venezuela....

Blood group antigen tests of the Waica Indians of Venezuela
article 1962 Layrisse, Miguel et al.

YanoamaSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco
In addition to the blood group study, this article also contains a culture summary of the Yanoama. The authors compare the results of this Waica blood group study with data from the Warao and Yaruro. As a result of this comparison and along with ling...

Vital statistics of five Warao subtribes
essay 1980 Layrisse, Miguel et al.

WaraoSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco
This paper presents a compilation of vital statistics relevant to the five subtribes of Warao studied by Wilbert and others during the period of 1954-1976. These subtribes are the Winikina, Arawabisi, Koberuna, Sakobana, and Hobure. The data collecte...

Warao blood group systems
essay 1980 Layrisse, Miguel et al.

WaraoSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco
This work consists of a blood sample analysis taken from individuals from five Warao subtribes -- the Sakobana, Hobure, Winikina, Koberuna, and Arawabisi....

Migration and cultural distance
essay 1980 Heinen, H. Dieter et al.

WaraoSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco
This paper reviews demographic data from five Warao subtribes -- the Winikina, Arawabisi, Koberuna, Sukobana, and Hobure -- in order to isolate the basic population units in these societies, and to study their internal dynamics and the structure of t...